The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 



SpecialFocus.png The Special Focus is on: Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Previously, we focused on:

Women at the peace table.




Launch of the NEW Wikigender

A new version of Wikigender will be released soon!


The new platform will offer a more intuitive interface with easy-to-find information. A major development will be the launch of a French Wikigender to accompany the English version. Stay tuned via @Wikigender for more details coming soon!



Call to Action!

On 25 September 2015, during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, the U.K. Government and UN Women co-hosted the event Transforming Economies: Empowering Women and Girls. Over 200 governments, civil society organizations, business leaders and individuals took a stand and made concrete commitments for women and girls’ economic opportunities within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Call to Action was endorsed to sustain the momentum for action to ensure measurable results and impact by 2030. Join these 200 leaders from across the world by making your own commitment or that of your organisation:
CalltoActionBanner EmpowerWomen FINAL.png



New framework for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment for Europe

A new framework for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment was adopted in September for the EU’s activities on gender equality and women’s empowerment in EU’s external relations. The framework, “Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through EU External Relations (2016-2020)“, aims to support partner countries, especially in developing, enlargement and neighbouring countries, to achieve tangible results towards gender equality which is at the core of European values, as well as the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 4 pillars of the framework include:

  • Fighting violence of any kind against women and girls
  • Economic and social empowerment
  • Strengthening voice and participation
  • Shifting institutional culture



FAO publications and featured articles

Rural Women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

This new book from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) uses data to provide a better overview of the gender gap in agriculture and rural areas. The work explores the issues raised in the FAO’s flagship publication, The State of Food and Agriculture 2010-2011: Women in agriculture – Closing the gender gap for development from the perspective of a number of countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The impact of cash transfers on the economic advancement, decision-making and capacity of women

It is often claimed that cash transfer (CT) schemes have an empowering effect on women, but available evidence on empowerment outcomes is far from conclusive, particularly as to whether CTs actually improve women’s bargaining power and decision-making in the household. This policy brief considers the concrete benefits of CT schemes for women, particularly in the context of economic empowerment, economic advancement, decision-making power, self-esteem and social empowerment.

See more publications here!

Featured articles

  • Empowering rural women: a solution to end hunger
  • Community Gardens, Community Gains: Women and men working together in Zimbabwe
Click here to read the articles!



FAO featured video: Gender Equality in Agriculture: A Toolkit (Set of 3 Videos)

These three video animations form the core of a training toolkit on gender and agriculture, developed by experts at FAO’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia. The toolkit highlights the need to consider gender inequalities in agriculture in the region and explains the importance of reliable gender statistics for agricultural and rural development. It also presents 18 indicators that can be used for obtaining a more gender-sensitive picture of the reality faced by women and men involved in agriculture, and for measuring gender-related changes over time.

See more videos!



“Women, Business and the Law: Getting to Equal”


This new World Bank report provides quantitative measures of laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunities. This fourth edition covers 173 economies, including 30 economies that were not previously covered. For the first time, it explores laws in areas such as gender discrimination in access to credit, financial support for parents, care leave for sick relatives, child marriage, marital rape and protection orders for victims of domestic violence.

Find out more




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Gender media review

See the media review in the Community Portal which is updated daily! Click here


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