Welcome to Wikigender. This is a site that is open to the entire community working on or interested in gender equality. The community relies on contributions from the community to improve the knowledge on this topic.
In an effort to maintain quality on the site, we also rely on the community to check articles that have been written to make sure that they are good. At any time, once you have an account, you can go in and improve any article written. We also welcome you on our facebook and twitter pages!
Create an account
Create an account on Wikigender and be an active member on the platform! By creating your account you can access the Community Portal and you can do the following:
- Edit or update existing wiki articles
- Edit events
- Add links to the media review and to the page listing recent publications on gender
- Participate in the forum!
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Search for an article by:
- Using the search box
- Browsing through the thematic areas
- Checking the article feed on the homepage for the latest entries
Create a new article or add a new event
Contact us if you would like to publish a new article or promote a gender-related event.