Wikigender multimedia gallery
Table of Contents
- 1 How to add photos and videos in Wikigender
- 2 Gender photos
- 3 Gender videos
- 4 Peace and Security
- 4.1 Women and agriculture
- 4.2 Women and technology
- 4.3 What women ‘should’ do
- 4.4 Family Policies
- 4.5 The Girl Effect
- 4.6 Women and Statistics
- 4.7 Only for Children
- 4.8 Early Marriage
- 4.9 Women with disabilities
- 4.10 Gender-based violence
- 4.11 Safe Cities: Free from Violence against Women and Girls
- 4.12 Female Genital Mutilation
- 4.13 Breakthrough videos
- 4.14 UNIFEM releases video series on gender and the MDGs
- 5 IPS Gender Wire Videos
- 5.1 “Afghanistan Unveiled” documentary trailer
- 5.2 Invest in Women – Do you see the opportunity?
- 5.3 Gender, Media Training and Citizen Journalism
- 5.4 Thinking Gender, Reporting Health
- 5.5 (In Spanish) Una revolución con rostro de mujer
- 5.6 The Critical Challenge of Gender Equality
- 5.7 IPS looks at information as an agent of change
- 5.8 IPS Africa, a leader in development news
- 5.9 Why Women Count?
- 6 TED Videos
- 7 Wikigender YouTube Channel
- 8 References
- 9 Microfinance
How to add photos and videos in Wikigender
- How to add an image
- How to add a video
Gender photos
When ## Special link : Array ## an image, please make sure that the image you are using is free content. It is good to use images from Wikimedia Commons or Flickr Commons, for example. Alternatively, you may browse our ## Special link : Array ##.
When you are sure that the image is not copyright, you can add it to this page. Photos from this page may be used in our newsletter, homepage and can be used to illustrate any Wikigender article.
Gender videos
The Reformer of Wringin Sukowono
“Reinventing Social Contracts” – an UNRISD Seminar
Patrick Stewart talks about domestic violence for Amnesty International UK
The contributions of female explorers – Courtney Stephens
Engaging men and boys to end violence
UN MCS video from Partners for Prevention on Vimeo.
Women’s economic empowerment in Europe
“A she-(re) cession” – What does austerity mean for women in Europe?” – by European Women’s Lobby
Peace and Security
“Women, Conflict and Social Media” – by Linking the Networks
Women and agriculture
Women: key to achieving food and nutrition security in Cambodia
Gender and land in the Western Balkans – Short version
Funding Female Farmers for a Less Hungry World by Food Tank and GFAR
Women and technology
Black Girls Code: Bridging The Digital Divide
What women ‘should’ do
UN Women – The Autocomplete Truth
Family Policies
The Girl Effect
Women and Statistics
Women’s Rights Infographic
Only for Children
Early Marriage
Council on Foreign Relations on Child Marriage
Wedding Busters: Child Marriage-Free Zones in Bangladesh
In Niger, nearly 40% of girls are married before 15. Child marriage is prevalent for a number of reasons including tradition, poverty and honour. Whatever the reason, the results can be catastrophic for girls as early pregnancy can cause serious long-term medical problems for girls such as fistula which leaves girls incontinent and in constant pain. Plan is working with girls, their parents and communities to educate them about the consequences of child marriage, particularly the dangers to a girls’ health if she gives birth before her body is ready.
Source: Plan Australia
Women with disabilities
The story of Kazol Rekha by End the Cycle
Gender-based violence
Safe Cities: Free from Violence against Women and Girls
“Safe Cities: Free from Violence against Women and Girls”
Published on Dec 9, 2013
UN Women’s Egypt country office has produced a new public service announcement through its “Safe Cities: Free from Violence against Women and Girls” project to highlight threats and unwanted advances impact Egyptian women and girls. Aimed at raising awareness among both women and men, the PSA is filmed as a direct invitation to men and boys to put themselves in women’s place and to stop blaming them for sexual harassment under that very slogan: “Put yourself in her shoes, instead of finding ways to blame her!”
Female Genital Mutilation
#Freedom is a world without child marriage and FGM
Art for action to end female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation by ‘We are Equals’
Breakthrough videos
Global – Ring the Bell
UNIFEM releases video series on gender and the MDGs
In time for the UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals 2010, UNIFEM (part of UN Women), in collaboration with UNTV, has produced a series of five videos highlighting select MDGs from a gender perspective. The videos are introduced by internationally renowned TV journalist Daljit Dhaliwal.
MDG 1: Cambodia
Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
Eradicating extreme hunger and poverty is a key focus of the Millennium Development Goals set in 2000 by world leaders at the United Nations. Secure employment is critical to overcome poverty, yet worldwide 60 percent of people are working without a formal contract or social security protection. The majority of them are women and too often their labour rights are exploited. But one idea showing promise can be found in the homes of women in Cambodia. We travelled to Phnom Penh to see how the ri! ghts of home-based women workers are being protected, providing the women with a ladder out of severe poverty.
MDG 3: Liberia
Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women
Liberia — it was a country engulfed in war, its women bearing the brunt of the conflict. While peace finally did come, the legacy of violence against women continues to haunt the country. But Liberia’s women are now taking positions of power and filling roles usuall! y dominated by men. We look now at how women in decision-making positions are helping to pave a new path to their country’s future.
MDG 6: Botswana
Botswana, in Southern Africa, reportedly has one of the highest HIV and AIDS prevalence rates in the world. Especially hard hit are the women in rural areas, who cannot access medical care. While there still is a very long way to go, new methods for delivering services and information to hard-to-reach women is starting to make a difference.
MDG 7: Colombia
Ensure Environmental Sustainability
Climate change in parts of the world can lead to an increased struggle to grow food and the displacement of populations. This is the case in Northern Colombia among the indigenous Wayuu people, where desert conditions have been exacerbated in recent years. As in many parts of the world, it is the Wayuu women who feed their families and provide water — and they are struggling to ensure their community’s very survival despite dwindling water resources.
The Missing MDG Target: Violence against Women
Tragically, up to three-quarters of women and girls worldwide experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. And the effect on the millions of girls and women who are abused is devastating — not just on them personally, but also on their ability to fully participate in the development of their countries. Unless violence against women is curbed, meeting all of the eight Millennium Development Goals will be impossible.
IPS Gender Wire Videos
“Afghanistan Unveiled” documentary trailer
14 Afghani women trained in filmmaking after the fall of the Taliban explore their country’s land and cultures through this documentary.
Invest in Women – Do you see the opportunity?
The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents the video clip ‘Invest in Women – Do you see the opportunity?’ This is the first video in a 3-part series of short videos about the MDG3 Fund. Central in this video are the chances and opportunities created by investing in women and girls.
Gender, Media Training and Citizen Journalism
Thinking Gender, Reporting Health
(In Spanish) Una revolución con rostro de mujer
Las mujeres de Bolivia fueron protagonistas de la lucha por los cambios sociales y políticos plasmados en la nueva Constitución. Aplicar esos avances es otra historia. Las organizaciones de mujeres campesinas e indígenas querían la mitad de los lugares en las listas para los comicios de diciembre de 2009. Pero las cúpulas partidarias siguen siendo reductos masculinos.
The Critical Challenge of Gender Equality
IPS Africa partnered with the Millennium Campaign in Nairobi, Kenya to host a public forum entitled: “Meeting the MDGs: The Critical Challenge of Gender Equality.” More than 150 people attended the event on Monday, 3 August 2009, which included government and diplomatic representatives, academics, NGOs, gender advocacy groups and the media.
IPS looks at information as an agent of change
IPS Africa, a leader in development news
Why Women Count?
- Macedonia
- Mexico
- Bosnia
- Zimbabwe
- Sierra Leone
- Nepal
TED Videos
- Leslie Morgan Steiner: Why domestic violence victims don’t leave
- Manal al-Sharif: A Saudi woman who dared to drive
- Sheryl WuDunn: Our century’s greatest injustice
- Kakenya Ntaiya: A girl who demanded school
Wikigender YouTube Channel

Celebrating Working Women: International Women’s Day 2011:
« Femmes lumière » L’itinéraire de cinq femmes leaders de leur communauté from Objectif développement on Vimeo.