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Women in Government (headquartered in Washington, D.C.), is a national, non-profit, bi-partisan organization of women state legislators in USA that provides leadership opportunities, networking expert forums, and educational resources to address and resolve complex public policy issues. <div id="toc"> <h2>Table of Contents</h2> <ul> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_about"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">About</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_initiatives"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Initiatives</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_list-ofnbspfirst-women-electedappointed-to-state-legislative-office-usa"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">List of first women elected/appointed to state legislative office (USA)</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_source"><span class="tocnumber">4</span> <span class="toctext">Source</span></a></li> <li class="toclevel-1"><a href="#w_see-also"><span class="tocnumber">5</span> <span class="toctext">See also</span></a></li> </ul> </div> <h2 id="w_about">About</h2> Women in Government was founded in 1988 with the vision to empower women legislators in USA to effect sound policy. The organization hosts over two dozen educational conferences on issues relating to public policy every year. It also provides its members with full legislative scholarships. These scholarships provide conference participants with opportunities to hear presentations from nationally noted expert speakers, receive comprehensive issue-based information and network with fellow policymakers, sharing best practices and developing policy solutions. Women in Government’s Board of Directors is composed of 13 female state legislators who help recruit new members and provide support to the organization. The Board is made up of both Democrats and Republicans, reflecting Women in Government’s bipartisan nature. <h2 id="w_initiatives">Initiatives</h2> Women in Government has launched several Policy Resource Centers that provide state legislators with information about Cervical Cancer Prevention, Access to Higher Education, Kidney Health, and Medicare Preventive Services. The Resource Centers provide educational materials and resource tools, including legislative toolkits, while identifying important policy issues and supporting state legislative activity. <h2 id="w_list-ofnbspfirst-women-electedappointed-to-state-legislative-office-usa">List of first women elected/appointed to state legislative office (USA)</h2> <ul> <li><b>Alabama</b></li> </ul> 1923 Representative Hattie Hooker Wilkins <ul> <li><b>Alaska</b></li> </ul> 1937 Representative Nell Scott (elected to AK Territorial House) <ul> <li><b>Arizona</b></li> </ul> 1915 Representative Rachel Berry 1915 Senator Frances Willard Munds <ul> <li><b>Arkansas</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Frances Hunt 1964 Senator Dorathy Allen <ul> <li><b>California</b></li> </ul> 1918 Representatives Grace Doris, Esto Broughton, Anna Saylor, and Elizabeth Hughes 1976 Senator Rose Ann Vuich <ul> <li><b>Colorado</b></li> </ul> 1894 Representatives Frances Klock, Clara Cressingham and Carrie C. Holly 1913 Senator Helen R. Robinson <ul> <li><b>Connecticut</b></li> </ul> 1921 Representatives Emily Sophie Brown, Grace I. Edwards, Lillian M.S. Frink, Mary M. Hooker, Helen A. Jewett <ul> <li><b>Delaware</b></li> </ul> 1924 Representative Florence Hanby 1956 Senator Meg Manning <ul> <li><b>Florida</b></li> </ul> 1929 Representative Edna Fuller Giles 1962 Senator Beth McCollough Johnson <ul> <li><b>Georgia</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Bessie Knowles and Viola Ross Napier 1927 Senator Margaret Bradbury Johnson (never assumed office) <ul> <li><b>Hawaii</b></li> </ul> 1924 Representative Rosalie Keli’inoi (elected to HI Territorial House) 1932 Senator Elsie Wilcox (elected to HI Territorial Senate) <ul> <li><b>Idaho</b></li> </ul> 1898 Representatives Clara Campbell, Hattie Noble and Mary Allen Wright 1935 Senator Margaret Bognet Pike <ul> <li><b>Illinois</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Lottie Holman O’Neill 1924 Senator Florence Fifer Bohrer <ul> <li><b>Indiana</b></li> </ul> 1921 Representative Julia D. Nelson 1943 Senator Arcada Stark Balz <ul> <li><b>Iowa</b></li> </ul> 1928 Representative Carolyn Campbell Pendray 1932 Senator Carolyn Campbell Pendray <ul> <li><b>Kansas</b></li> </ul> 1918 Representative Minnie Grinstead 1929 Senator T.T. Solander <ul> <li><b>Kentucky</b></li> </ul> 1921 Representative Mary Elliott Flanery 1949 Senator Caroline Conn Moore <ul> <li><b>Louisiana</b></li> </ul> 1940 Representative Beatrice Hawthorne Moore 1936 Senator Doris Lindsey Holland Rhodes <ul> <li><b>Maine</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Dora Pinkham 1927 Senators Dora Pinkham and Katherine C. Allen <ul> <li><b>Maryland</b></li> </ul> 1921 Delegate Mary E. W. Risteau 1934 Senator Mary E. W. Risteau <ul> <li><b>Massachusetts</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Susan Walker Fitzgerald and Sylvia M. Donaldson 1936 Senator Sybil Holmes <ul> <li><b>Michigan</b></li> </ul> 1924 Representative Cora B. R. Anderson 1921 Senator Eva M. Hamilton <ul> <li><b>Minnesota</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Myrtle Cain, Susan M. D. Hough, Mabeth Hurd and Hannah J. Kempfer 1927 Senator Laura E. J. Naplin <ul> <li><b>Mississippi</b></li> </ul> 1923 Representative Nellie N. Somerville 1923 Senator Carrie B. Kearney <ul> <li><b>Missouri</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Mellcene Thurman Smith and Sarah Lucille Turner 1973 Senator Mary Gant <ul> <li><b>Montana</b></li> </ul> 1917 Representatives Maggie Smith Hathaway and Emma Ingalls <ul> <li><b>Nebraska</b></li> </ul> 1924 Representatives Mabel A. Gillespie, Clara C. Humphrey and Sara T. Muir 1946 Senator Nell Krause <ul> <li><b>Nevada</b></li> </ul> 1918 Representative Sadie D. Hurst 1935 Senator Frances C. Friedhoff <ul> <li><b>New Hampshire</b></li> </ul> 1920 Representatives Jessie A. Doe and Dr. Mary Louise Rolfe Farnum 1930 Senator Maude Ferguson <ul> <li><b>New Jersey</b></li> </ul> 1920 Representatives Margaret Laird and Jennie Van Ness 1966 Senator Mildred B. Hughes <ul> <li><b>New Mexico</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Bertha M. Paxton 1925 Senator Louise Holland Coe <ul> <li><b>New York</b></li> </ul> 1918 Representatives Mary Lilly and Ida Sammis 1934 Senator Rhoda F. Graves <ul> <li><b>North Carolina</b></li> </ul> 1921 Representative Lillian Exum Clement 1931 Senator Gertrude Dills McKee <ul> <li><b>North Dakota</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Minnie Craig and Nellie Dougherty 1950 Senator Agnes K. Geelan <ul> <li><b>Ohio</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Nettie McKenzie Clapp, Lulu Thomas Gleason, Adelaide Sterling Ott and May Martin Van Wye 1922 Senators Nettie Bromley Loughead and Maude Comstock Waitt <ul> <li><b>Oklahoma</b></li> </ul> 1920 Representative Amelia Elizabeth “Bessie” McColgin 1920 Senator Lamar Looney <ul> <li><b>Oregon</b></li> </ul> 1914 Representative Marion Towne 1915 Senator Kathryn Clarke <ul> <li><b>Pennsylvania</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representatives Alice Bentley, Rosa DeYoung, Sarah Gallaher, Helene Grimes, Sarah MacKinney, Lillie Pitts, Martha Speiser and Martha Thomas 1925 Flora Vare <ul> <li><b>Rhode Island</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Isabella Ahearn O’Neill 1928 Senator Lulu M. Schlesinger <ul> <li><b>South Carolina</b></li> </ul> 1945 Representative Harriet Johnson 1928 Senator Mary G. Ellis <ul> <li><b>South Dakota</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Gladys Pyle 1936 Senator Jessie E. Sanders <ul> <li><b>Tennessee</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Marion Scudder 1921 Senator Anna L. Worley <ul> <li><b>Texas</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Edith M. Wilmans 1926 Senator Margie Neal <ul> <li><b>Utah</b></li> </ul> 1896 Representatives Sarah Anderson and Eurethe LaBarthe 1896 Senator Martha Hughes Cannon <ul> <li><b>Vermont</b></li> </ul> 1920 Representative Edna Louisa Beard 1922 Senator Edna Louisa Beard <ul> <li><b>Virginia</b></li> </ul> 1923 Representatives Sarah Lee Fain and Helen Timmons Henderson 1979 Senator Eva F. Scott <ul> <li><b>Washington</b></li> </ul> 1912 Representatives Frances C. Axtell and Nena J. Croake 1922 Senator Reba Hurn <ul> <li><b>West Virginia</b></li> </ul> 1922 Representative Anna Gates 1934 Senator Hazel Hyre <ul> <li><b>Wisconsin</b></li> </ul> 1924 Representatives Mildred Barber, Hellen M. Brooks and Helen F. Thompson 1975 Senator Kathryn Morrison <ul> <li><b>Wyoming</b></li> </ul> 1910 Representative Mary Bellamy 1930 Senator Dora McGrath <div id="refhtml"></div> <div id="refhtml"></div> <h2 id="w_source">Reference</h2> <a href="http://www.womeningovernment.org">Women in Government Website</a> <h2 id="w_see-also">See also</h2> <ul> <li>[Pagelink infos="Women's Political Empowerment|Women's Political Empowerment"]</li> <li>[Pagelink infos="Center for Asia-Pacific Women in Politics (CAPWIP)|Centre for Asia-Pacific Women in Politics"]</li> <li>[Pagelink infos="International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics (iKNOW Politics)|International Knowledge Network of Women in Politics"]</li> <li><a href="http://www.un.org/womenwatch/osagi/wps/womenandelections.html">Women and Elections- Guide to Promoting the Participation of Women in Elections</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.ncsl.org/default.aspx?tabid=15398">Women's Legislative Network of NCSL</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.leg.wa.gov/LIC/Documents/Statistical%20Reports/History_of_Women_in_the_Legislature.pdf">The History of Women in the Washington State Legislature</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.capwip.org">Center for American Women and Politics</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.capwip.org/readingroom/cawp-womenstateleg.pdf">Women State Legislators (USA): Past, Prsenet and Future</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm">Women in National Parliaments</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.undppc.org.fj/pages.cfm/our-work/democratic-governance/strenthening-parliaments-democratic-institution/promoting-women-parliament/">Promoting Women in Pacific Legislatures: UNDPPC</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.ndi.org/node/14050">Women's Political Participation: NDI</a></li> <li><a href="http://www2.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/compilations/ProvinceTerritory/Women.aspx">Women in Canadian Provincial and Territorial Legislatures</a></li> <li><a href="http://directory.cpahq.org/directory/default.aspx?orgid=6">Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.pubchoicesoc.org/papers2005/coats_karahan_dalton.pdf">Barriers Facing Women in the Competition for Legislative Seats</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.gsdrc.org/go/topic-guides/political-systems/effective-legislatures#wome">Women in Parliament: GSDRC</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.aph.gov.au/library/intguide/pol/polwomen.htm">Women in Politics, Australia</a></li> <li><a href="http://www.sacw.net/IMG/pdf/WoResBill_final.pdf">Proposed Reservation of Seats for Women in the Parliament and State Legislatures in India</a></li> </ul> <div id="refhtml"></div> <div id="refhtml"></div> <div id="refhtml"></div>
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