Wikigender University: American University of Paris

Wikigender University aims to:
- Actively engage students in the development of this gender equality platform
- Bring together a range of universities to foster networking possibilities among students and academics, thereby extending the network of Wikigender users
- Enhance opportunities for building capacity in gender research, information sharing, social networking, IT and editorial skills.
2011 contributions
Over the summer of 2011, articles from the AUP students ranged in theme from gender equality and issues in education, technology, health, and notable gender equality advocates. In addition to the original articles listed below, these students edited hundreds of other articles during their time as content editors.
Student authors
- Evgeniya Zabolotnyaya
- Alison Gilman
- Lauren Baum
Student authors contributions:
Evgeniya Zabolotnyaya wrote:
- Ethnic minority: The Roma in Gender Equality in the Russian Federation
- Gender Inequality and Child Well-being
- Effects of migration on child well-being
- Nino Burjanadze- Political Empowerment
- Non-resident Fathers and Child well- being
- Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga
Alison Gilman wrote:
- Eve Ensler
- Male Sex Workers in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Women and African Economic Development
- Women Migrant Workers in Gender Equality in Saudi Arabia
Lauren Baum wrote:
American University of Paris2010 contributions
Over the summer of 2010, AUP students contributed a broad range of articles to the Wikigender site. These articles ranged in theme from gender equality and issues in education, technology, health, and notable gender equality advocates. In addition to the original articles listed below, these students edited hundreds of other articles during their time as content editors.
Student authors
- Tyler Shenk-Boright
- Clara Donadello
- Dorry Funaki
- Viktor Zeilon
- Eilean Ellison
Noteworthy individuals:
- Albert Cashier
- Condoleezza Rice
- Elena Kagan
- Juliette Gordon Low
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Linda Lingle
- Judith Butler
Social and health issues:
- Motherhood + Career = Success?
- History of Infanticide
- Gendercide in China
- Honour crimes
- Conjugal violence
- Conjugal violence in France
- Bride Burning
- Sexual Segregation and Male Guardianship in Saudi Arabia
- Child Custody in the Middle East
- Two-Spirited People
- Office Ladies (OLs) - Gender Equality in Japan
- Child marriage
- Women’s Reproductive Health
- Adolescent Birth Rate
- HIV/AIDS Prevalence Among Pregnant Women Aged 15-24
- Under-Five Mortality Rate
Organizations and initiatives:
- International Fund for Agricultural Development
- United Nations gender equality architecture reform
- Gender Equality Architecture Reform Campaign (GEAR)
- United Nations Commission on the Status of Women
- Women and peace organisations
- Tostan
- Center Against Domestic Violence
- Man Up
- Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission
- Women's Environmental Council
- National Women's Hall of Fame
- Gender and Peacebuilding Initiative
- Gender and Trade Initiative (GATI)
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Institute for Statistics
- Girl Scouts (U.S.A.)
Technology and media:
- Feminine Digital Support Groups
- The Media & Girls
- Afghanistan Unveiled
- Burqavaganza
- Defining gender through advertisements
- Women on Submarines
- Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural sector
- Employment-to-population Ratio
- Education for All
- Primary Completion Rates
- Primary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Secondary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Net Intake Rate
- Access to Education
- Net Enrolment Ratio (NER)
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1820
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1888
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1889
- Syria bans niqab
- Beijing +15
- Seneca Falls Convention
- World rural women's day