“Literacy for Development”
Revision for ““Literacy for Development”” created on January 21, 2016 @ 09:49:16
"Literacy for Development"
<p> <br />
</p> <h1 id="w_objectives">Objectives<br /></h1> <p>The meeting is being jointly organized by UNESCO and the Federal Government of Nigeria from June 21-24, 2010. The aim of the Abuja meeting is to contribute to halving adult illiteracy rates by 2015 (Education for All (EFA) Goal 4) with a special focus on girls and women in both the E-9 countries (Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria and Pakistan) and in other countries which E-9 countries can support through South-South cooperation. Making a measurable and positive impact on these population groups within the E-9 countries will also contribute to sustainable human development and poverty reduction. </p><p>The objectives of the E-9 Ministerial Review Meeting are as follows: </p> <ul><li> Facilitate the sharing of experiences and knowledge to better understand the relationship between literacy and development; </li><li>Identify issues, trends and challenges in providing literacy for out-of-school children, youth and adults, and ways of overcoming obstacles; </li><li>Explore strategies to improve and scale up effective literacy programmes; </li><li>Provide an arena for sharing time-lined national and collective commitments to scaling-up of literacy programmes for out-of-school children, youth and adults while improving literacy acquisition through non-formal education; </li><li>Encourage South-South cooperation in the field of literacy, as well as on EFA in general, among E-9 countries as well as between E-9 and other countries.<br /> </li></ul> <p>See the following for more information:<br /> </p><p><a href="http://www.unesco.org/en/efa/international-cooperation/e-9-initiative/8th-meeting/about-the-conference/" alt="www.unesco.org/en/efa/international-cooperation/e-9-initiative/8th-meeting/about-the-conference/">www.unesco.org/en/efa/international-cooperation/e-9-initiative/8th-meeting/about-the-conference/</a> </p><p><a href="http://www.unesco.org/en/efa/international-cooperation/e-9-initiative/8th-meeting/main-theme/" alt="www.unesco.org/en/efa/international-cooperation/e-9-initiative/8th-meeting/main-theme/">www.unesco.org/en/efa/international-cooperation/e-9-initiative/8th-meeting/main-theme/</a> </p><p> </p> |