Start with a Girl: A New Agenda for Global Health
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“Start with a Girl: A New Agenda for Global Health” highlights the centrality of gender equality to the development agenda and the MDGs. Specifically, it shows how improving the health of adolescent girls in the developing world is key to improving maternal and child health, reducing the impact of HIV, and accelerating social and economic development.
This publication describes the realities of girls’ health and well-being in developing countries, explains how the health of girls is linked with the prospects for their families, and details the specific actions that will improve health prospects for millions.
Most importantly, the report lays out an agenda for governments, donors, the private sector, and civil society organisations.

The 8 priorities for action
- Implement a comprehensive health agenda for adolescent girls in at least three countries.
- Eliminate marriage for girls younger than 18.
- Place adolescent girls at the center of international and national action and investment on maternal health.
- Focus HIV prevention on adolescent girls.
- Make health-system strengthening and monitoring work for girls.
- Make secondary-school completion a priority for adolescent girls.
- Create an innovation fund for girls’ health.
- Increase donor support for adolescent girls’ health.