IPS workshops: Decoding the Future

Never before has humankind faced as many tough challenges as it does now: from harsh climate change causing droughts and flooding to violence; rights abuses, refugees; child trafficking and modern-day slavery; human and social inequalities continue to grow. In a concerted effort to alleviate such unprecedented human suffering, the international community has adopted 17 key objectives to be achieved by 2030, known as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
IPS and the UN Foundation plan to contribute to this massive effort by organising four media and civil society training workshops in Ecuador, Germany, Nepal and Sweden during the months of October and December 2016. The objective is to work with the participants on how to decode the SDGs and follow and cover them in an engaging way.
The training workshops will be open to UN officials, journalists, academics and representatives of civil society and humanitarian organizations – all of whom can make a significant difference to a debate that will continue through 2030 and beyond.
Hopefully, these brain-storming sessions will help influence key decision-makers in politics, parliaments and governments worldwide.
The workshops are scheduled to take place in Stockholm (October 20-21), in Bonn (October 25-26), in Quito (October 27-28) and in Bangladesh (December 18-19). Those interested can reach the organisers via email:
For Stockholm workshop, please contact: ws.stockholm@ips.org
For Bonn workshop, please contact: ws.bonn@ips.org
For Quito workshop, please contact: ws.quito@ips.org
More information on the IPS website.