UN-INSTRAW is a United Nations entity mandated to develop research and training programmes that contribute to the empowerment of women and the achievement of gender equality worldwide.
Areas of Activity
Through alliance building with UN Member States, international organizations, academia, civil society, the private sector and other actors, UN-INSTRAW:
- Undertakes action-oriented research from a gender perspective that has a concrete impact on policies, programmes and projects;
- Creates synergies for knowledge management and information exchange;
- Strengthens the capacities of key stakeholders to integrate gender perspectives in policies, programmes and projects; and
- Builds a sustainable, transparent and efficient institution.
In 1975, the First World Conference of Women recommended the creation of a research and training institute dedicated to the advancement of women. The following year, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) created the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (UN-INSTRAW). In 1983, UN-INSTRAW’s headquarters were officially opened in Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic .
Through its applied research programmes, the Institute aims to make policies and programmes gender-responsive on the basis of concrete research results, the application of lessons learned, and the replication of best practices. In all of its work, UN-INSTRAW promotes an interactive dialogue between civil society, governments and international organizations through the creation of networks and the continual dissemination of gender-related information. The Institute has created networks, working groups and other communities of practitioners and stakeholders on various issues, including gender and security sector reform, ending violence against women, women’s political participation, gender and remittances and other issues.
Gender, peace and security
UN-INSTRAW’s Gender, Peace and Security Programme’s aim is to promote gender equality and women’s full and equal participation in the realms of peacekeeping, peace processes, post-conflict reconstruction and the reform of security institutions.
The Gender, Peace and Security Programme’s specific objectives include:
- To promote the full and sustainable implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security.
- To promote the inclusion of a gender perspective in all spheres of Security Sector Reform (SSR) processes.
- To promote more effective Gender Training and Capacity-Building for Security Sector Personnel.
Gender and migration
Since 2004, UN-INSTRAW has been working on the issue of migration, which focuses on the theme: Gender, Migration, Remittances and Development. The Institute’s work in this area has helped to fill a gap in research with the publication of six case studies- with seven further studies in progress- examining nine countries of origin with global migratory flows which explore South to South, South to North, and rural to urban movement.In addition to its studies, UN-INSTRAW has developed a conceptual framework, a methodological guide, articles, working papers, policy recommendations, documentaries, and additional materials available on this Website. A transnational focus has allowed for a deeper understanding of the impacts in countries and communities of origin and destination, the creation of formal and informal networks, and the possibilities to generate gender sensitive development through the promotion of public policies and initiatives that optimize the use of remittances.
Political participation
In partnership with the Centre for Arab Women Training and Research (CAWTAR), UN-INSTRAW has initiated a project on Strengthening women’s leadership and participation in politics and decision-making in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia.
Financing for development
INSTRAW promotes analyses on the agreements and actions surrounding financing for development, from a gender perspective.
- www.un-instraw.org