Women’s International Center (WIC)
Wikis > Women’s International Center (WIC)
Women’s International Center [WIC] was founded in 1982 as a non-profit education and service foundation with the mission
to ‘acknowledge, honor, encourage and educate women’.

Living Legacy Awards
Since its inception WIC has fulfilled its purpose in many ways. Beginning in 1983 the Living Legacy Awards (LLA) began to acknowledge and honour women. For twenty-four years WIC have brought hundreds together to celebrate the accomplishments and positive and lasting contributions of women. Vigdís Finnbogadóttir, the world’s and Iceland’s first elected female President was a recipient in 1990.
- WIC’s information and education web site www.wic.org is filled with the achievements of over 150 women who have received a Living Legacy Award (LLA).
- WIC is involved with the women in Africa and South America through foreign assistance programs by providing educational and safety information and economic resources to refugees and displaced women. WIC work directly with local and national organizatoins.
- WIC also has assisted many female migrants to the USA in need to receive academic acceptance and gainful employment. In addition, we have directly assisted in preparing these individuals to improve their English and prepare to gain U.S. citizenship. WIC has provided financial support in the form of charitable gifts to non-profit organizations offering assistance and/or safe houses for battered or homeless women and have proudly presented support in Sisterships (scholarships) to many hundreds of girls and women since 1983.
- www.wic.org