
The German Federal Statistical Office (destatis) gathers, collects, processes, presents and analyses statistical information. Its head office consists of seven departments and the office leadership is located in Wiesbaden/Germany; two additional departments are situated in the Bonn branch office.
i-Punkt and EDS European Data Service
The i-Punkt is the information and service point of destatis in the federal capital of Berlin. It directly and effectively informs and advises members of the German Parliament, the Federal Government, embassies and federal authorities, business associations and interested people from the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area on available data of official statistics. Modern means of information and communication make it possible for all colleagues to cooperate easily with each other at their different locations.
The EDS European Data Service is a service point of the Federal Statistical Office of Germany which assists all users requiring official European statistics. Our service centre mainly provides statistics published by the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat). The EDS European Data Service (formerly the Eurostat Data Shop) is part of the i-Punkt Berlin (Federal Statistical Office) and consists of a highly qualified team of consultants with a large amount of experience in statistical user help sections within our office. We aim to provide a service that is highly user oriented.
Women in Germany 2006
Abstract: In important fields of social life in Germany women are still not yet represented according to their share in total population. Women’s approach to life planning is often different from that of men. Women tend to choose different jobs and university majors than their male contemporaries. If there are children to be looked after, it is in most cases the mothers who cut back on their employment in order to reconcile family and job responsibilities. Going beyond what is anchored in the constitution in terms of equal rights, the government and the society take a lot of measures to abolish gender discrimination. This In the Spotlight volume entitled “Women in Germany”, updated in early 2006, is to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of girls and women in Germany and it is written both for the experts, policy-makers and scientists, and for the interested public at large. In what age groups are women under- or overrepresented in Germany‘s population? How will women‘s life expectancy evolve in the next few decades? What jobs or majors do women choose in contrast to men? Is it true that part-time work is purely a women‘s domain? Do women earn less than men in the same job and, if yes, why? Women are gainfully employed to a smaller extent than men, so what about women‘s financial situation? Are women sick more frequently than men? How do women participate in public life? These are just some of the aspects dealt with in the broad thematic range of this book, which is to contribute to a comprehensive presentation of women‘s current life circumstances in Germany.
Published by: Federal Statistical Office (destatis), Wiesbaden
Read the Woman in Germany

The STATmagazin offers up-to-date and specially edited information on various issues. It provides statistical background knowledge on topics that are the focus of public discussion. Below is a selection of STATmagazin articles with the maintopic gender equality.

Couples in Germany: Birds of a feather flock together

Nothing has changed: mothers give low priority to economic activity

Part-time work as a women’s domain – Wish or makeshift?

Men and women in the public health system: A comparison of costs

Parental allowance – a first look back

Pay differential between men and women

Areas of employment of men and women
More information
- Destatis website
- EDS European Data Service
- 2. Gender Equality Atlas for Germany