National Women’s Law Center
Wikis > National Women’s Law Center
The National Women’s Law Center aims to expand the possibilities for women and girls in the United States. The Center uses the law in all its forms: getting new laws on the books and enforced; litigating ground-breaking cases in state and federal courts all the way to the Supreme Court; and educating the public about ways to make the law and public policies work for women and their families.
To protect and advance the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in virtually every aspect of their lives.
Program areas
- Education: The Center’s Education program addresses gender gaps by fighting for strong enforcement of Title IX and promoting programs that remove barriers to girls’ educational opportunities.
- Employment: Women continue to face pervasive limitations on their opportunities at work. The Center’s Employment program addresses these barriers by fighting for equal treatment of women in all aspects of their employment.
- Poverty: More than 14 million women — one in eight — live in poverty. The Center’s Family Economic Security program advances laws and public policies to help economically vulnerable women — including single mothers, women of color, and elderly women — by promoting high-quality, affordable child and dependent care, strong income and work support programs, secure retirement programs, and a fair tax system that raises adequate revenues.
- Health and Reproductive Rights: The Center’s Health and Reproductive Rights program is fighting to protect reproductive rights; guarantee accessible, comprehensive health coverage for women and families; and promote policies that advance and protect women’s health on the state and federal levels
- Other issues: the Center moves quickly to address issues that transcend these program areas. The Center is leading the way in promoting a fair and independent judiciary with judicial nominees who have a demonstrated commitment to fundamental rights. The Center’s priorities also include enacting a comprehensive federal ban on sex discrimination and adopting the international Convention on Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women; fully funding domestic violence programs and ensuring victims have needed supports; strengthening protections against human trafficking; and ensuring fair treatment for immigrants.