From 3-10 February 2012, Wikigender hosted its first online discussion. The chosen topic echoed the recently launched [Special_Focus|Girls in ICT portal], which we feature in our Community Portal Wikigender gathered your views on how can access to ICTs promote opportunities for women and girls.

In particular, the main sub-question here is how can social networks foster gender equality.

Whether you work in the ICT sector and you are a woman, if you have succeeded thanks to social networks and would like to share your story, or if you would like to simply express your opinion on whether social networks can foster gender equality, your contributions are welcome!

For inspiration, see the articles on .

Contribute to the discussion!

The discussion will be centered around the following questions:

  1. Best practices and case studies of where women and girls were empowered via social networks (e.g. starting a business, career, education…)
  2. Organisations, networks and tools which have been essential and successful in empowering women and girls
  3. The wider policy context (equal opportunities and access issues)

How to contribute

Anyone is able to participate in the discussion and we strongly encourage you to express your opinions on the topic. Please note however that comments will be moderated to ensure that there is no spam disrupting the discussion.

To participate, simply type your comment below or register directly via Disqus, Twitter or Facebook before typing your comment.

To insert a URL hyperlink, make sure you shorten the URL first before posting it, otherwise it may not work. (e.g. using bitly, google url shorterner, tiny url…)

A summary of the discussion is now available!

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