Virtual workshop with grassroots organisations on tackling gender-based discrimination in West Africa

From Data to Policy Action: Tackling Gender-Based Discrimination in Social Institutions
Virtual Workshop in West Africa
27 April 2021
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM (CET)
The OECD Development Centre, in partnership with the Sahel and West Africa Club Secretariat (SWAC), invites you to a virtual workshop with grassroots organisations working on gender equality in West Africa on 27 April 2021 at 10:00 Paris time for an interactive policy discussion.
Building on the OECD’s Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI), the virtual workshop aims to track progress and identify key challenges and opportunities for women’s empowerment and greater gender equality in West Africa. Participants will include grassroots organisations, civil society and research organisations, think tanks, gender experts and advocates, as well as foundations, who will share their perspectives and expertise on gender equality in West Africa across three thematic areas:
- Women’s health deprivation and restricted reproductive autonomy;
- Women’s economic empowerment and access to productive and financial resources;
- Women’s political voice, leadership and agency.
This workshop kick-starts the series of virtual policy dialogue events in Africa within the project, “From data to policy action: addressing social institutions governing women’s and men’s behaviour to enhance gender equality in Africa”, supported by the Austrian Development Cooperation.
Follow the conversation on Twitter with @OECD_Centre, @Wikigender, @SWAC_OECD by using the hashtags #SIGI and #SIGIAfrica
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