The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 


SpecialFocus.png The Special Focus is on: Financing gender equality.

Previously, we focused on:

2015 Day of the African Child.

Online Discussion: Mobilising financing for gender equality and women’s rights to deliver on the SDGs in practice

From 22-26 June, Wikigender organised an online discussion to discuss how to mobilise new and ambitious investments to operationalise the ‪SDGs‬ commitments on ‪genderequality‬ and women’s rights. The discussion was led by several lead discussants: Samina Anwar and Zohra Khan (UN Women); Chiara Capraro (Christian Aid); Nerea Craviotto and Angelika Arutyunova (AWID); and Emily Esplen and Keiko Nowacka (OECD). A summary report is currently being drafted and will be shared at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa. Stay tuned on @Wikigender to read the report! In the meantime, see the whole discussion thread here.
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First country pilot of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) in Uganda

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On 27-28 May, the OECD Development Centre and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) presented the results of the SIGI Uganda in Kampala, Uganda. The launch event included a presentation of the methodological framework, survey design and results, as well as the technical construction of the Index and policy implications.

Showcase the women who have been impacted by your organization’s work on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment

The I am (wo)man Campaign of UN Women/Empower Women highlights individual success stories of women who have been empowered. Share your inspiring stories from empowered women within your organization or from women who have benefited from initiatives in the communities where you work. For example, see America Scores, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, Panama Canal, USAID, and Youth for Technology. For questions and indication of interest, please contact”

FAO publications


Empowering women in Afghanistan

This publication assesses the gender impacts of the Integrated Dairy Schemes (IDS) approach in Afghanistan and results from a field mission to Afghanistan. Findings confirmed that the IDS approach has a sustainable positive impact on rural Afghan women and their families, both in terms of increased income availability and social empowerment.

Globefish Research Programme, Vol. 119: Executive Summary (FAO, 2015)

Women participate in all segments of the seafood industry, including fishing, farming, trading and selling, monitoring and administration. But the widespread lack of consideration for their role and work in the seafood industry is, in many respects, disadvantageous to them and ultimately bars them from participating fully and equitably in the industry. The primary aim of this report is to increase awareness of business leaders and policy makers, to expand their knowledge and sensitization about the value women bring to the seafood industry, and to encourage them to consider each time they develop a new project or a policy: “Have we not overlooked women?

See more publications here!

FAO featured video: Access to Water and Land. Dimitra Clubs in Niger

This six-minute video shows how the FAO Dimitra Clubs in Niger have been crucial to ensure women’s access to land and water, while contributing to nutrition, food security and gender equality, thereby reducing rural poverty. The transformative approach of the Dimitra Clubs induces behavioral changes in various aspects of daily life for individuals, households and communities in rural areas. Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who voluntarily decide to get organized to discuss their development challenges, find solutions and take collective action to improve their livelihoods and take control of their own lives.

See more videos!

FAO articles

  • Guatemala’s Ministry of Agriculture approves first-ever Policy on Gender Equality
  • Angling for gender equality in the seafood industry
  • New visual guide to protect children from pesticides
  • How a global campaign to eradicate sheep and goat plague can help 400 million rural women
Click here to read the articles!


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Gender media review

See the media review in the Community Portal which is updated daily! Click here



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