The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 


OECD Development Centre side events at CSW59

11 March: Achieving Beijing: The Role of Social Norms for Gender Equality: side event at CSW59

This side event was jointly organised by the OECD Development Centre, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). The panel and Q&A discussion focused on how integrating social norms into development interventions can accelerate progress towards the transformative agenda of the Beijing Platform and make a real difference to the rights and well-being of women and girls.

17 March: Making women’s voices heard from Beijing to Post-2015 in social media

This side event was organised by the OECD Development Centre, in partnership with UN Women and with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. The panel and Q&A discussion focused on how social media can empower women to take a larger role in decision-making processes within the post-2015 agenda.

New Gender and Land Rights Database: a hub of information on gender-equitable land tenure

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The new and improved Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) cconsists of three main sections: country profiles, gender and land-related statistics, and the all-new Legislation Assessment Tool – and also highlights key publications and resources related to gender-equitable land tenure. It will also feature regular online discussions on targeted issues relating to gender and land in different countries and contexts. Find out more!

Featured FAO video: Fish drying method changes lives in Burundi

See more videos!

Featured FAO publication: Women In Agriculture In Pakistan


This report highlights the overall status, challenges and contributions of women in agricultural subsectors across Pakistan, and provides a road map for improvements. Recommendations focus on enhancing the economic impact of women’s work in agriculture; promoting socio-cultural factors such as education, literacy, and nutrition; enhancing the legal status of women and ensuring policy and institutional strategies that will promote income-generating activities for rural women farmers. See more publications here!


UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign: Women and health

Improved health care for women affirms their right to the highest standards of health throughout their lives. In April, UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign highlights the significance of women’s health on the overall quality of life, and the discrimination that often bars them from receiving preventative care and adequate medical attention. Don’t miss in particular an op-ed from Melinda Gates. Read more

FAO featured article

  • Pêcheurs du Monde: women fish-processors of Burundi in spotlight at film festival in France
  • Ethiopian women cooperative increases incomes thanks to FAO-Eataly partnership
  • Int’l Women’s Day 2015: Women farmers key to fighting hunger
  • Fighting food loss with flowers: hibiscus jams and juices in the Gambia
  • Of ponds and plates – and much more
Click here to read the articles!


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Gender media review

See the media review in the Community Portal which is updated daily! Click here



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