Occupational segregation and gender discrimination in labor markets: Thailand

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) report published in November 2007 examines welfare disparities between men and women through three lenses:segregation, discrimination, and inequality. Segregation captures occupational segregation by gender, discrimination measures the earning differential between males and females within occupations. The inequality component shows the inequality in earnings within male and female groups. The study proposes a new approach to adjusted earnings by including a host of personal and job characteristics such as hours of work, education, work experience, race, regions and areas. The paper captures the net effect of each of these individual characteristics on segregation, discrimination, and inequality in earnings between male and female workers. The proposed methodologies are applied to Thailand and Vietnam. Asian Development Bank.(2007). Occupational Segregation and Gender Discrimination in Labour Markets: Thailand and Vietnam. From http://www.adb.org/publications/occupational-segregation-and-gender-discrimination-labor-markets-thailand-and-viet-nam.
How about Thailand
According to the issue of gender wage discrimination in various regions of Thai labour market, Journal of Economics provided by Chiang Mai University said that Thailand still has gender discrimination in the labour market which women were paid less than maleChulalak Nimchaiyanun, Dr.Rossarin Osathanunkul (2014). Journal of Economics. Gender wage discrimination in various regions of Thai labour market. From http://mis.econ.cmu.ac.th/econmag/file/Econ-17-1/Econ-17-1%20(3).pdf. Although women have been protected by setting the minimum wage, men and women should receive equal wage. This study also found that discrimination between men and women came from many restricted of the law. According to Thai PBS News, March 6, 2013, in the topic “Women Labours urge to welfare for woman and reduce inequality”, many women in Thai labour market have problems due to low welfare and pregnancyThai PBS News.(2013). Women Labours urge to welfare for woman and reduce inequality. From http://news.thaipbs.or.th/content/กลุ่มแรงงานสตรี-เรียกร้องรัฐบาลจัดสวัสดิการ-ประกันสังคม-ลดความเหลื่อมล้ำ. They also face discrimination from their employers, and these women want assistance from the government to create equality in policy for women labours.
- Increased policy focus on gender equality
- Reducing informal workers who are more vulnerable
- Increased training and education opportunities
See also
Group 2