E-learning for girls in Thailand

Table of Contents
The concept of E -learning
E-learning is a new educational concept that uses Internet technology, delivers digital content and provides a learner-oriented environment for the teachers and students. E-learning promotes the construction of life-long learning opinions and an actively learning society.
- E-learning is a new educational concept; it differs from the old educational concept.
- Delivery of the digital content is the main component of e-learning. We can tell what is e-learning and what is not.
- This definition extends to the environment on the Internet. This means that the Internet provides a learning environment for the students and teachers. This environment is learner-oriented, instead of traditionally teacher-centred instructions in a classroom.
- As a new concept of education, e-learning gives a condition for us to realise the life-long learning principles and helps us to build a real learning society. As a new educational system, it has been developed rapidly in China ; however, the development progress is different from western countries. E-learning plays a larger role in higher education to match the needs of higher education’s rapid growth. Introduce to E-learning
Types of e-learning in Thailand
In Thailand , there are many types of e-learning for example instruction and tutorial. Still,all types of e-learning that are available in Thailand below.
Instruction and Tutorial are the types of e-learning that are easiest to find because universities provide their instructions and tutorials on their website. For SWU it is on http://course.swu.ac.th/login.php. There, you can find the course that you are enrolling in.
Figure 1: E-learning types example 1.jpg
FigureE.g. Below is an example of course ECS 472 on International Trade, where you can find the objective goals, lecture notes, books required and learning topics.
In this course, you can also find tests (e.g. problem solving tests) which are other types of e-learning which you can practice and drill for your lessons online. They are useful to collect and manage scores and marks, for example.
There are still other of types of e-learning which include ‘Simulation’ and ‘Game’ types, mainly used for children, as well as ‘Discovery’ types (where you can get a better explanation in the example of E-learning). Below are some examples.
So we can divide the types of e-learning into 8 types based on e-learning patterns
1.(Instruction) 2. (Tutorial) 3. (Drill and Practice) 4. (Simulation) 5. (Game) 6. (Problem Solving) 7. (Test) 8. (Discovery)Type of E-learning
Positive and Negative Sides of e-Learning
E-learning benefits have been underrated at the college level, given that some of the methods and techniques can augment traditional classroom learning. E-learning is less expensive than traditional classroom instruction. In addition, many expenses such as booking training facilities, travel costs for employees or trainers, plus employee time away from the job are greatly reduced. However, some firms that have spent large amounts of money on new e-learning efforts have not received the desired economic advantages.
The following are some of the positive sides of E-learning
- Time and flexibility: one can study from anywhere
- It promotes life-long learning
- It does not require commuting
- It reduce costs since there is no boarding involved
- Gain extra knowledge by using computers to learn
Now E-learning is becoming a trend in many universities. Many use a combination of classroom learning techniques with e-learning platforms to make more the learning process more efficient. We conducted an interview with Caroline Haythornthwaite, a professor in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science at the University of Illinois. She said the benefits of E-learning were as follows:
“With the online classes,” she said, “I interact with my students more frequently, dropping into asynchronous discussion daily for a half-hour or an hour. With my traditional classes, I might see them once a week for three hours. If there’s a news article I want my online students to read, I can post it and discussion can begin right away. With my classroom students, if I e-mail them an article on Tuesday and we meet for class on Friday, that’s one of many things we might discuss. The impact isn’t quite as immediate.”
“Since there’s an emphasis on more learner-centric activities than traditional lecture-based classroom learning, the teacher is more of a facilitator in an online classroom,” she said. “Not only does that enhance the collaborative nature of online learning, it also motivates students to be much more engaged and to take more responsibility for what they’re learning.”
Even though e-learning may reshape education, Haythornthwaite noted that it is not necessarily meant to supplant classroom learning, but is more of a complement to it. She cited the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s example of putting all of its classroom materials online for non-commercial use in 2001 as an example of how “blended learning” can be created from a mixture of e-learning and classroom interaction.
“No one stopped going to class when all that material was posted,” she said. “It simply changed the delivery method and broadened the scope of knowledge available.”
Referring to Professor Haythornthwaite’s interview, we found that E-learning not only has beneficial sides but there are also some negative sides. E-learning cannot be replaced with classroom learning but it can be used to help making learning more effective by mixing them together.
The following are some of the negative sides of E-learning
- One may not be able to fully complete an entire degree or course online as distance learning is not suitable for certain courses
- It does not give learners the ability to work on their personality and oral skills
- Since it is mostly asynchronous, it does not give immediate feedback like you’d get in a regular classroom
- Some learners may feel isolated due to lack of physical interaction with classmates, peers and instructors
The positive and negative E-learning
E-learning can have positive effect on classroom
benefits and negatives of E-learning
Examples of e-learning sites in Thailand
Thailand’s Gender Information Center
This information center promotes gender equalisation as a developed agency, to promote the study of knowledge and disseminate the information impediments by a separate data gender processing.
The role of this E-learning is to be the information center of gender equality, the development of information systems and technology to create the database for the women in planning operations and promoting and developing knowledge.
The development of information systems helps to promote gender equality through the creation of a women’s database. It includes statistical data of women such as economics, politics, education, health, labour, women, etc. Thailand has three types of operations:
- Data such as the Gender Data Warehouse, Gender Analysis etc.
- Research such as Research of Women in Thailand, Database about Education etc.
- The information supplied by the Information Center website to promote gender equality through the development of the database, make the Website
Thailand’s Gender Information Center
eDLTV is a project of an E-learning system for distance education via satellite. The content of distance learning television that is broadcast on radio and television distance education via satellite from the Wang Klai Kangwon Palace came up on e-Learning system for distribution to schools for the education of information technology projects. It operates mainly in rural areas where there is a lack of teachers, teaching or students’ lessons in the school of Off-line and release the On-line via the Internet. Teachers, students and the general public use it in teaching and are able to learn more.
E-Learning AIDS
E-Learning AIDS is the system where one learns more about AIDS, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases online. This system is teaching the subject with electronic media via the Internet. It provides a source of learning on AIDS for doctors, nurses and medical staff in order to raise awareness and build knowledge. This E-learning portal can be beneficial to reduce the spread of HIV infection for those infected with HIV/AIDS/AIDS and it helps to promote the source to students to learn and the general public to have knowledge about AIDS.
E-Learning AIDS
Group 2
From left to right: Mr. Tanakorn Chaianekwut, Mr. Jirayut Songkrampoo, Miss Chulalak Kongsook, Miss Preeyaporn Eakthanyawong, Mr. Burakarn Tippayasakulcahi, Mr. Supanut Sawetarpa