Wikigender is a project initiated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Development Centre to facilitate the exchange and improve the knowledge on gender equality-related issues around the world. A particular focus lies on gathering empirical evidence and identifying adequate statistics to measure Gender Equality. Based on the work of the OECD Gender, Institutions and Development Data Base , Wikigender aims to highlight the importance of Social institutions such as norms, traditions and cultural practices that impact on women’s empowerment. |
Wikigender: Open Access Policy
Wikigender is open to everyone. Whether you are a student, a professional working in an international governmental organisation or in a non-governmental organisation, in a think tank, in a research institute or a statistical office….you can access all resources provided on this website and use its contents for your own needs.
In order to improve the information on this site, we invite your active participation: either by providing comments and suggestions, or by contributing new articles. We particularly encourage you to browse through the ## Special link : Array ## section that contains articles that still need to be written. More information on how to discuss or edit articles can be found in our , including how to Login.
If you decide to contribute to this project, we kindly ask you to follow a set of . Please do not infringe copyright.
Quality Control
Websites based on “wiki” technology invite the public to modify the content displayed on the pages. It is therefore important to have mechanisms in place that ensure high quality of information. Wikigender has implemented several of these mechanisms and created an effective wikigender.org:Quality Control System .
Content Guidelines
The following steps outline the content checking process to guide all contributors:
- Contributions [data or text in the form of comments or articles] should refer to gender equality-related issues
- Contributions should be different to other articles on the site, or directly related to other articles on the site (and should be linked)
- Basic grammar and spelling should be checked
- Graphs, charts and tables should be clearly labeled and readable
- Quotes, data etc., should be referenced
- Statistical language and jargon should be limited or directly linked to a definition or article explaining the terms (preferably on wikigender)
- Links embedded in the article should be checked
- Where articles fail to meet these standards the article (or text or charts in the article) will be flagged for general edit (to invite browsers to update references for instance)
- The article or comment should not include offensive material, advertising or links to external offensive or commercial websites.
Wikigender reserves the right to delete any comment or article deemed offensive under these guidelines.
Community Portal
The Community Portal‘s role is to ensure coverage of gender equality issues in the media on a monthly basis. Participate in the community portal by uploading the articles you find, or initiate a discussion!
Project Team
Wikigender is managed by a small team of gender experts at the OECD Development Centre, Paris.
Wikigender is open to collaborate in the maintenance of the site with other organisations and initiatives. We look forward to welcoming new partners seeking to join this project. Our aim is to build an active community that uses and regularly updates this website. Inivited partners include other international organisations, NGOs and research institutes. We particularly look forward to welcoming partners from the developing world. Contact us at DEV.Gender@oecd.org
wikigender.org:Partners .Wikigender Launch
Wikigender [Wikigender Launch|was officially presented] on the occasion of International Women's Day on 7 March 2008 in the presence of the Chief Statistician of the OECD, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the OECD, the Chilean Ambassador to the OECD and the OECD Wikigender team. On 20 November 2008, wikigender.org:Wikigender 2.0 Launch was presented during a workshop in Stockholm – the new website is now available at http://new.wikigender.org. Wikigender has been founded by: Denis Drechsler, Johannes Jütting, Olivier Puech and Ralf Schukay.
Wikigender in the Press
Since its launch on 7 March 2008, Wikigender has been covered extensively in the international press, Internet blogs and radio interviews. Click wikigender.org:Wikigender in the Press to see a selection of articles.
Wikigender: the community
Who is the community for?
- Anyone interested in gender equality issues (civil society), especially people coming from developing countries
- Development practitioners who specialise in gender equality or who want to add a gender dimension to their work (gender mainstreaming)
- Gender equality researchers and statisticians
- Policymakers: linking policy to the field level
- Students
What is its goal?
- To exchange best practices, stories, data, news coming from the ground in order to help advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. Wikigender will use this information uploaded by the users to create a yearly report on progress in gender equality.
What is the goal of the website?
- To foster the sharing of resources such as best practices, events, reports.
- To enable more informed policy-making on gender issues, for example by identifying gender equality gaps and obstacles
- To facilitate the exchange of gender-disaggregated data and statistics (via www.wikiprogress.stat uploader, coming soon)
- To be an interactive platform for key gender equality-related events, follow-up of conferences, publications, media, etc.
What is the approach/etiquette that ensures quality?
- Content guidelines
- Wikigender team and partners ensure quality control when new articles are uploaded
What is in it for me if I participate?
- Resource exchange
- Networking
- Promotion of my work to a large gender community
- Access to best practices and stories through case-studies (coming soon)
- Access to information and contact information on organisations working in the field of gender equality
What is our measure of success?
- Interaction with our users: number of edits, new discussions, comments, etc.
- Use of the Wikigender platform for work purposes / regular basis, as a tool
- People uploading spontaneously successful examples of gender equality achievements in different cultural contexts
- New articles, new events
- Satisfaction of our users (surveys)
- Online users
- Number of followers on Twitter and Facebook
- Feedback on contact@wikigender.org and through the social networking sites