Child’s prostitution with social problems

This article was written by Group 12 in , as part of the .
Table of Contents
- 1 Child’s prostitution with social problemsLearners,(2010).Child’s prostitution with social problemsRetrived January 13, 2010
- 1.1 Issues associated with child prostitution
- 1.2 Factor related to the cause of prostitution
- 1.3 The impact of child prostitutionLearners,(2010).The impact of child prostitutionRetrived January 11, 2010
- 1.4 The prevention of Child’s ProstitutionDave in Phoenix,(2010).prevention of Child’s Prostitution
- 1.5 Solution of under-aged prostitution problem from labor department and community serviceDepartment of Labor Protection and Welfare ,(2010).labor department and community service report
- 2 References
- 3 See also
- 4 Group 12
Child’s prostitution with social problemsLearners,(2010).Child’s prostitution with social problemsRetrived January 13, 2010
In many countries across the world, young people are being increasingly exposed to ‘raunch culture’, where sex and sexual desire become commodities. Feminists in anti-raunch culture revolt, The Australian, available at: rise of raunch culture is arguably driven by stereotypes in mainstream media, lack of prosecution for sexual harassment offenders and a lack of education about sex and sexuality. Raunch culture, feminism and the pole, available at:
In Thailand, a new generation of under-aged prostitutes highlights one of the negative effects of raunch culture and highlights the need for new and innovative approaches to combating prostitution and human trafficking.
Issues associated with child prostitution
Underage prostitution is dangerous for many reasons including, risk of sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancy (which can often lead to abortion) and drug addiction.plannedparenthood.[
Factor related to the cause of prostitution
Although studies across the world vary, in Thailand it can be argued that there are 4 key factors that determine the likelihood of a child becoming a prostitute.
1. Socio-economic status
2. Family relations and support networks
3. Location, availability of ‘clients’ and types of ‘clients’
4. Law enforcement
The impact of child prostitutionLearners,(2010).The impact of child prostitutionRetrived January 11, 2010
1. The impact of prostitution on child workers
- Teenagers develop a premature sexual desire
- The contraction of sexually transmitted diseases
- Development of drug addiction
- Mental and physical abuse
- The association with forms of illegal behaviour
2. Impact on the society
- Association with crime
80.9 percent of child prostitutes have been associated with incidents of robbery. 59.3 percent of child prostitutes have developed a drug addiction and 42.5 percent have endured physical abuse.
- Resolving the problem and the suppression of child prostitution.
Research indicates that if 98.9 percent of child prostitution could be eradicated, an equal reduction key will follow. The popular solution to the issue is the government’s policy to suppress prostitution, coupled with education and family support.
Other suggestions include an increased penalty for serious offenders and enforced government registration of prostitutes.
3. Other issues
Child prostitution has become a cultural issue in Thailand with the region being recognised internationally for prostitution and trafficking.
The prevention of Child’s ProstitutionDave in Phoenix,(2010).prevention of Child’s Prostitution
1. Punishing individuals and organisations associated with human trafficking is an important stepping stone in the prevention of children becoming prostitutes.
2. Creating a public document that details information about the number of prostitutes and any relevant research on the possible methods of prevention.
3. A budget for the management and prevention of child prostitution should be allocated.
Solution of under-aged prostitution problem from labor department and community serviceDepartment of Labor Protection and Welfare ,(2010).labor department and community service report
A recent report details the actions that have been taken to address child prostitution. The report recommends increasing public services to support vulnerable girls and young women. Recommended services include preventative physical and emotional support and therapy, medical attention and care, and employment assistance. More specifically:
1. Providing suitable education to children whose families are in poor status.
2. Provide education for prostitutes to increase their employment opportunities in other areas.
3. Provide financial assistance for ex-prostitutes.
4. Support the campaign of money circulation among female-based career.
The following is the board campaign of public service for the protection of vulnerable girls and women:
1. Provide education to communities that are at risk of developing a prostitution problem.
2. Facilitate for the development of foundation for women at risk of human trafficking. The role of the foundation should be to locate where human trafficking is taking place and provide a warning system.
3. Form public service that will receive human traffic problem.
4. Provide psychological support for child prostitutes
Human trafficking has become increasingly complicated to locate. The authorities struggle to keep up with the fast paced movement of human trafficking gangs. It is important for civil society to play a more important role in the prevention of prostitution and in raising awareness of human trafficking.
The following points outline possible strategies and solutions:
1. Both public and private organisations need to combine forces to combat human trafficking.
2. Seek support from public and private organisations to help ex-prostitutes develop a career.
3. Provide knowledge on how to prevent human trafficking to communities. In addition information on the legal ramifications for those found to be associated with human trafficking and prostitution should be provided.
See also
- Child Prostitution in Thailand
- child prostitution in the developing world
- Facts on Trafficking and Prostitution
- Prostitution Facts
Group 12

1. Miss Pongsupa Thupthein
2. Miss Kultida Petpraphan
3. Miss Thanannut Wongtaweepoom
4. Miss Kornsiri Suwanphibul
5. Miss Chayaporn Chaipon
6. Miss Chanita Aunsaard
7. Miss Ploy Lertphongphipath
- Wikigender University student article Thailand, School of Economics and Public Policy, Srinakharinwirot University.