Online Discussion from 29 May until 8 June

Wikigender/Gendernet Discussion on Gender equality and Climate change

Climate change is increasingly being recognised as a global crisis, but responses to it have so far been overly focused on scientific and economic solutions, rather than on the significant human and gender dimensions. As weather patterns become increasingly unpredictable and extreme events such as floods, heat waves or natural disasters become more common, the poorest women and men in the global South – who have contributed the least to the problem – find their livelihoods most threatened yet have the weakest voice and least influence on climate policy.
BRIDGE, Gender and Climate Change,
Supporting Resources Collection (2011)


Read the SUMMARY REPORT of the online discussion! (PDF)


Have your voice heard at the 10th OECD DAC Network on Gender Equality (Gendernet) meeting on 14 June, the only international forum where gender experts from development co-operation agencies meet to share best practices and to define common approaches in support of gender equality.
The Wikigender/Gendernet online discussion will kick off on 29 May and last until 8 June. As the Wikigender community, your comments will be collated into a summary report and presented at the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) Gendernet meeting as an introduction to the 14 June workshop on gender equality, climate change and green growth:

The primary objective of the Gendernet workshop in Paris is to increase Gendernet members’ understanding of issues related to climate change and green growth in developing countries so that they can better advise on the gender equality/women’s empowerment dimensions of agency approaches to these issues.

This Wikigender discussion provides an opportunity for researchers, donors, civil society, Wikigender partners and interested public to provide their insights into this issue by responding to the following question:

How can gender equality be better integrated into climate change policies and programmes in order to ensure sustainable development?



Responding to the issue of climate change is central to sustainable development. In the lead-up to Rio+20, it is essential to draw attention to and reinforce the linkages between climate change, sustainable development and gender equality issues. Indeed, progress in these areas will depend upon joint approaches to addressing climate change and gender equality.
Climate change impacts men and women differently, yet both men and women can harness their respective capacities to act as active agents of change in response to this issue. In the rural areas of developing countries, it is often the woman’s role to collect water, secure energy for the household and to undertake subsistence farming activities. Women are also the primary producers of food. Consequently, when the repercussions of climate change hit rural areas, it increases the burden on those responsibilities primarily undertaken by women, meaning women must bear the brunt of most of these challenges. It is therefore vital to include a gender perspective in all climate change policies and programming and to ensure that both women and men can contribute their knowledge to solutions. This online discussion is an opportunity to gather the views of the Wikigender community on how we can work together to ensure that gender equality is better integrated into climate change policies and programming, since this is key to a sustainable future.


Guiding Questions

  • Discrimination against women in terms of access to and control over resources such as land significantly hampers their ability to tackle the negative effects of climate change. What are some other challenges that women face in this regard? Are there examples of successful approaches to ensuring that women and men have an equal voice in decision-making processes on climate change and in broader governance processes?
  • What are the priority issues related to gender and climate change: access to land and resources; food security and sustainable agriculture; access to energy; water policies? Can you provide examples of innovative and transformative local and grassroots-level initiatives that address these priority issues?
  • What can be done to better influence global processes such as Rio+20 and to effectively integrate gender equality dimensions into Rio+20 and related discussions?
  • What actions could governments, donors, UN bodies and civil society take to better incorporate gender equality and women’s empowerment into policies, programmes and financing for climate change?


Background Reading


See Also



We look forward to your participation! We strongly encourage you to disseminate news about the online discussion via your networks and on Twitter using #genderclimateAnyone with an Internet connection is invited to participate in the discussion and we encourage you to express your views on this pressing issue.
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