International Women’s Day 2017: highlights from Wikigender partners

Table of Contents
- 1 Events
- 1 FAO
- 1.1 Step It Up Together with Rural Women to End Hunger and Poverty
- 1.2 Enhancing opportunities for rural women’s employment: Lessons from the Joint Programme on Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment
- 2 IFC
- 3 UN Women
- 3.2 CSW61 Youth Forum
- 3.3 Opportunities for women to move up value chains in Malawi through economic empowerment for the vulnerable and most excluded.
- 5 Events and activities by Genre en Action members
- 2 Special pages and infographics
See our highlights from our partners on the occasion of International Women’s Day:
Step It Up Together with Rural Women to End Hunger and Poverty
- Co-organizers: Slovak Republic, European Commission, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in collaboration with International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Women
- When: 13 March, 11:30 AM-12:45 PM
- Where: Ex-Press Bar – GA Building (max. capacity: 80)
- Contact:
The High-level Event (HLE) “Step It Up Together with Rural Women to End Hunger and Poverty” held on 16 December 2016 in Rome, provided governments, UN entities, civil society and other stakeholders with the opportunity to identify challenges, gaps and collaborative actions to unleash the potential of rural women and girls to end food insecurity and poverty. In the context of the sixty-first session of the Commission on the Status of Women, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the European Union and the Slovak Republic, together with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), the World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Women, will organize a side event aimed at continuing the dialogue initiated during the HLE. Aimed at representatives of Member States, UN entities, non-governmental organizations and civil society, the side event will disseminate the key messages from the HLE, particularly with regard to three critical elements that were highlighted during the HLE deliberations:
- The crucial role that rural women play in ending hunger and poverty;
- The need for policies and programmes to accelerate rural women’s economic empowerment; and
- The importance of promoting transformative approaches to tackle the underlying socio-cultural and behavioural causes of gender inequality in rural areas.
Enhancing opportunities for rural women’s employment: Lessons from the Joint Programme on Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment
- Organizers:Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Sweden International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), World Food Programme (WFP) and UN Women
- When: 13 March, 6:30 PM-7:45 PM
- Where: Ex-Press Bar – GA Building (max. capacity: 80)
- Contact:
Agenda – Enhancing opportunities for rural women’s employment: Lessons from the JP RWEE
Flyer – Enhancing opportunities for rural women’s employment: Lessons from the JP RWEE
March 8 at different times in different locations: Ring the Bell for Gender Equality events, co-organized by IFC, the Sustainable Stock Exchanges initiative, UN Women, Women in ETFs and World Federation of Exchanges. The partnership highlights how the private sector can play in advancing gender equality to achieve the UN’s SDG 5.
To find out more, please contact Danielle Chesebrough (
Should you wish to express your interest in attending a bell ringing in your country, please complete this form. Space is very limited, but you can help share the message the week of 6 March on social media using: #RingTheBell #WEPs #SDGs #genderequality #SDG5 #IWD2017 @globalcompact @WEPrinciples @UN_Women @SSEinitiative
UN Women
- Organizer: UN Women
- When: 08 March, 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
- Where: Trusteeship Council Chamber, UN HQ
CSW61 Youth Forum
- Organizer: UN Women
- When: 11 March, 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM
- Where: Conference Rooms 4, A, B, C, D E, 11, Overflow room: CR-2
Opportunities for women to move up value chains in Malawi through economic empowerment for the vulnerable and most excluded.
- Organizers: UN Women and Malawi
- When: 13 March, 10:00 AM-11:15 AM
- Where: Conference Room A – Conference, UN HQ.
Malawi Side Event Flyer - Contact:
The specific objectives of the side event are as follows:
- To demonstrate successful economic empowerment initiatives that have the potential of taking women out of poverty.
- To demonstrate factors that are critical in the economic empowerment of women especially the poorest and most excluded.
- To share Malawi’s best practice for advancement of women empowerment and gender equality.
- Welcoming Remarks: His Excellency, Ambassador/Permanent Representative of Malawi to the UN
- Official Address: Hon Jean A.N. Kalilani, MP, Minister of Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare, Malawi
- Short video on Economic Empowerment of Women Strides made by Malawi.
- Presentation on GIZ supported Economic Empowerment Project for Cash Transfer Programme Beneficiaries in Mwanza.
Debate: The Courage to Create: Gender Equality and the Arts
- When, local time: Wednesday, 8 March 2017 -2:30pm to 6:00pm
- Where: France, Paris
- Contact: Marissa Potasiak;; Ext. 84450
In honour of International Women’s Day, UNESCO, in partnership with the French National Committee for UN Women, will host a debate entitled “The Courage to Create: Gender Equality and the Arts” at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris on 8 March 2017, from 2.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m in Room IV.
This highly interactive debate will address the challenges and barriers facing women artists, as well as the role of the arts and creativity in achieving gender equality.
Issues of freedom of artistic expression and the impact of new media will be analysed in depth, with participants including: Laurence Rossignol, French Minister for Families, Children and the Rights of Women; Yannick Glemarec, Deputy Executive Director of UN Women; Deeyah Khan, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Freedom of Artistic Expression and Creativity; Ole Reitov, Executive Director of Freemuse; Jackie Buet, Director of the Festival International de Films de Femmes de Créteil; filmmakers Maysaloun Hamoud and Shlomi Elkabetz; artists Jepchumba and Pia Myrvold; digital publishing expert Octavio Kulesz; singer Suzanne Combo; and Simon Carpentier and Victor Solf of the band “Her”.
The debate will also launch HeForShe Arts Week Paris, an initiative inspired by UN Women’s HeForShe campaign, which will involve numerous museums, galleries, theatres and cultural centres from across the city in the fight for gender equality.
External Links
Read here the Gender Equality Priority Action Plan for 2014-2021 and visit the Division for Gender Equality’s website
- UNESCO Prize for Girls’ and Women’s Education
- 2017 L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Awards
- MOST School for research and public policy for gender equality
Events and activities by Genre en Action members
The members of Genre en Action are organising and taking part in numerous activities, find them on the Facebook page of Genre en Action!
Special pages and infographics
International Women’s Day 2017
Under the theme “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”, this year UN Women calls upon all actors to promote measures that ensure women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work. They must include bridging the gender pay gap, which stands at 24 per cent globally; recognizing women’s unpaid care and domestic work and addressing the gender deficit in care work; as well as addressing the gender gaps in leadership, entrepreneurship and access to social protection; and ensuring gender-responsive economic policies for job creation, poverty reduction and sustainable, inclusive growth.
External links
- Explore just some facts on where women stand today in the changing world of work.
- Think you know your facts on women and the economy? Take the quiz to find out!
Unpaid work
UNESCO Institute for Statistics
Women are missing from the Ranks of Higher Education and Research
To mark the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, the UIS is highlighting the persistent gap between men and women in doctoral studies and research.
To reduce this gap, the UIS is working with partners to go beyond the numbers and identify the barriers that deter women from pursuing careers in research, particularly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
External links:
- Get more information here
- New indicators are in the pipeline to help bridge the gender gap in STEM
- Women in Science – Explore the Data
- UNESCO SAGA project