100 words for equality

The European Commission “100 words for equality – A glossary of terms on equality between women and men” is a tool to bring gender issues closer to people and provide short explanations for technical terms (some of them are specific to the European Union). It is an important tool for “having the right words” in the sensitive field of affirmative and positive actions or explain the differences between “Maternity Leave“, “Parental Leave” and “Family Leave” or Equity and equality. It’s also usefull to explain or tranlate metaphor as “Glass ceiling” or “Gender blind” in eleven languages (ES IT DA NL DE PT EL FI EN SV FR).
Ten years later it would be very interesting to update it in a wiki.
External links
“100 words for equality”, European Commission, 1998″ PDF files (ES . IT . DA . NL . DE . PT . EL . FI . EN . SV . FR) htm file: (ES)