Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association (CIWA)

CIWA has developed a reputation for its innovative and unique approaches to providing essential services to immigrant and refugee women. The demand for our services increases with each passing year as Calgary receives the fourth largest intake of newcomers to Canada.
It is the only immigrant serving agency in Calgary offering all-female programs and services. Over the years, CIWA has been honoured to receive recognition for its commitment to immigrant women and their families by the community.
Women from diverse backgrounds are empowered to reach their goals and dreams as equal and contributing members of Canadian society.
Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association delivers professional services that facilitate the integration and full participation of women and their families in the community.
- Equality
- Empathy
- Inclusiveness
CIWA provides a number of services to meet the diverse needs of immigrant and refugee women and their families. It offers:
- Language instruction
- Enhanced language training programs
- Employment services -Settlement services
- Legal clinic
- Family services
- Health education
- Family conflict
- Counselling and support
- Parenting programs
- Youth programs
- Housing support
- Volunteer opportunities
- Specialized seniors’ services
- Support securing basic needs
- Tax clinic
How CIWA helps
CIWA programs and services are designed to be as accessible as possible. Between their staff and the support of hundreds of volunteers, they are able to offer:
- First language support
- Childcare for all programs
Whom they help
All immigrant and refugee women and their families are welcome at CIWA.