From 27 January until 14 February, Wikigender hosted an online discussion in partnership with the United Nations Foundation , Category:Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (HBSC), the EU-LAC Foundation , European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) (EIGE), United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (United NationsECLAC) and PARIS21 – and in collaboration with Wikiprogress and Wikichild.


Each week the discussion had a different theme:

Week 1: The socio-economic empowerment of women
Week 2: Violence against women
Week 3: The civic and political participation of women

The outcomes of the discussion and main findings were synthesised in a final report and presented/distributed at a side event organised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Development Centre, ODI - Overseas Development Institute (ODI) and the UK Department for International Development (DfID) and gender equality (DFID) in March 2014, during the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women#58th session of the United Nations United Nations Commission on the Status of Women in New York.

See the discussion page.


From 27 January to 2 February: The socio-economic empowerment of women

Data on the socio-economic empowerment of women has increasingly improved over the years, with a plethora of indices such as UNDP’s Gender Inequality Index, Social Watch’s Gender Equity Index, the Women’s Economic Opportunity Index, the Global Gender Gap index, EIGE’s Gender Equality Index, among others. However, there are still many data gaps and quality, coverage and availability need to be improved. The recent Evidence and Data for Gender Equality (EDGE) is among the new initiatives that aim to accelerate existing efforts to generate comparable gender indicators on health, education, employment and develop standards to measure entrepreneurship and assets from a gender perspective.

Where has progress been made since 2000 in terms of data on women’s socio-economic empowerment and where are the gaps? How can we address them?

  • Data collection: Do you have examples of local, regional or international initiatives that aim to improve data collection and analysis on women’s socio-economic empowerment? What are priority areas for which data on women should be improved or newly produced, and which institutions are poised to take this on?
  • Comparability and methodology: What needs to be done to make existing data comparable between different regions? How feasible would this be? How do we best engage national statistical offices in improving data on women and girls in line with international efforts? How are they effective? How is it possible to drive initiatives to ensure that there is better harmonization of data?
  • New areas of research: How can data collection on new areas of research (such as time use, unpaid care or social norms) be improved in order to better inform how women fare in terms of socio-economic empowerment and to inform policy-making?
  • New priority areas: What new priority targets/areas should be included in the post-2015 development agenda and more specifically when it comes to gender equality?

From 3 to 9 February: Violence against women

The agreed conclusions of the 57th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in March 2013 called on States to improve data collection and analysis of violence against women. The Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics recently developed a set of 52 gender indicators and also a core list of nine ground-breaking indicators specifically designed to measure violence against women in all its aspects including physical, sexual, psychological and economic violence. The UN Statistical Division also recently completed its Guidelines for Producing Statistics on Violence against Women.

What lessons have been learnt on data collection and analysis in the area of violence against women since 2000? Where are the gaps?

  • Type of data: How can we further build the capacity at local and national level to harmonise methodologies and concepts for the collection of data, including administrative data and conducting surveys on violence against women? Which are the main difficulties and benefits of using administrative records for violence against women?
  • Methodology: What new methodological approaches can be used to get a more accurate and comparable picture of violence against women across settings and over time? How is the use of qualitative and attitudinal data complementing quantitative data in the area? How can new technologies improve data collection on sexual violence against adolescent girls?
  • Initiatives and campaigns: Can you share examples of initiatives/campaigns on violence prevention and mapping of violence, including those engaging men and boys? What about data visualisations?
  • New priority areas: What new priority targets should be included in the post-2015 development agenda?

From 10-14 February: The civic and political participation of women

Across the world, women are taking an increasingly important role in public demonstrations to advocate for their rights. There is a growing interest amongst researchers and the development community on women’s voice and agency in challenging social norms that discriminate against them, we have seen examples of women’s claim-making in India, South Africa, and during the Arab Spring. There are also more examples of women who run for election and participate in politics. However, despite great strides forward in women’s political representation, in many countries women’s civic and political rights are still severely restricted and data on this is limited.

Where have we made progress since 2000 in terms of data on women’s civic and political participation? Where can we improve?

  • Type of data: How can we improve data on women’s civic and political participation and minimise inconsistencies between countries? What about attitudinal data on female political leaders? What about looking at data that will inform knowledge of the policy impacts of women’s civic engagement? Is there any available information from the registers of the electoral courts or agencies?
  • Collective action & civic engagement data: Do you know of additional data sources to measure women’s civic engagement and participation – such as access to the media and Information & Communication Technology (ICT) – and their roles in civic life? Do you have suggestions of indicators or know of data sources that have information on collective action? (e.g. labour unions, political parties?)
  • Examples: Do you have examples of women’s collective action that triggered political change?
  • New priority areas: What new priority indicators could better capture women’s civic and political participation, including collective action, in the post-2015 development agenda?

See Also

  • Discusi%C3%B3n en l%C3%ADnea: La informaci%C3%B3n que falta sobre la Igualdad de G%C3%A9nero#Preguntas
  • Discussion en ligne: Les donn%C3%A9es manquantes concernant l%E2%80%99%C3%A9galit%C3%A9 homme-femme#Questions