Newsletter – Wikigender Gender equality Wed, 07 Dec 2022 14:51:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Wikigender Connect: September-December 2015 Thu, 04 Feb 2016 13:38:36 +0000

Welcome to your new Wikigender!

wikigender@2xA new version of Wikigender was launched and presented on 16 December at the OECD, with the kind support of International Organisation of La Francophonie, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development, the French Development Agency, and in collaboration with Genre en Action. For the first time, the platform is available in French and includes a new user-friendly interface. The new French platform will ensure that the Francophone communities can participate, engage and access new data and research on gender and development. Wikigender will also place the spotlight on the Sustainable Development Goals, in particular on SDG 5, looking at key issues such as the role of social norms in development, gender statistics, and tracking progress on SDG gender targets.

Find out more about the launch event and all you need to know about the new platform and how you can participate here.

Explore the new themes covered by Wikigender and contact us at if you would like to submit a new article or for any other question!

Wikigender highlights

Men out-earn women by $27,000 a year: new data from the WGEA

WGEA_master_cmyk_type_logoThe second year of data collected by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency covers 12,229 employers and represents over 40% of employees in Australia. This world-leading data reveals there has been some progress towards workplace gender equality but stubborn pay gaps persist across industries, occupations and management levels. While the data confirms stubborn gender pay gaps and under-representation of women in management and leadership roles, it also reveals measurable progress on employer action in support of workplace gender equality.

More information

The Women, Business and the Law 2016: Getting to Equal

graphic WBLThe Women, Business and the Law report measures legal and regulatory barriers to women’s entrepreneurship and employment in seven areas. The 4th edition of the Women, Business and the Law report covers 173 economies, including 30 economies that were not previously covered. The report finds that the majority of economies have legal gender differences, with 155 economies out of 173 impeding women’s economic opportunities with at least one law.

This edition builds on the growing body of research and empirical evidence that stresses the importance of legal and institutional frameworks in shaping women’s economic rights and opportunities and improving gender equality. For the first time, it explores laws in areas such as gender discrimination in access to credit, financial support for parents, care leave for sick relatives, child marriage, marital rape and protection orders for victims of domestic violence., with data current as of April 2015.

More information

UN Women Empower Women in Spanish

The UN Women Regional Office for the Americas and the Caribbean, along with the Global Compact Network in Panama, Sumarse, recently held a business forum to officially launch the Knowledge Gateway on Women’s Economic Empowerment:, as well as the Women’s Economic Principles. Read more (also in Spanish)

The International Development Cooperation Meeting on Gender and Media

Wikigender was present at the meeting on 7 December, in advance of the launch of the redesigned platform. Find out more!

Wikigender University 2016

  • The United Nations University (UNU-GEST) have joined the Wikigender University Programme, with 15 fellows who will write articles on a wide range of gender equality issues.
  • Northumbria University also joined the Wikigender University Programme in January, with students following the “Gender, Media and Society” module to write articles under the theme “Gender in the Media”.

Stay tuned for their upcoming articles!

Featured videos

“Six Days: Three Activists, Three Wars, One Dream” (trailer)

“This inspiring documentary, which follows three brave human rights defenders in Liberia, Abkhazia, Georgia and Iraq over six days, gives insight into the everyday struggle to improve the situation of women worldwide. SIX DAYS shines a necessary light on some of the most urgent and important human rights issues facing women today: girls education, honor killings, bride kidnappings and women’s health issues.” More information.

Taking the Lead: Sexual Violence Survivors Forging Hope in Colombia

This mini-documentary was produced by the Nobel Women’s Initiative and MADRE, as part of the International Campaign to Stop Rape & Gender Violence. The documentary follows the stories of sexual violence survivors and women human rights defenders dedicated to breaking the silence around sexual violence in Colombia. These survivors and defenders mobilize by using art therapy, community gatherings and the media to speak out about sexual violence and urge justice for perpetrators. Their work is gaining momentum across the country, with survivors calling loudly for a world where women’s bodies are not used as battlefields.

Key links from our partners

Stay tuned via the Community Portal!

The Community Portal is where you can access the latest information on gender equality, and where you can contribute by sharing your news and data!


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Wikigender Connect: July-September 2015 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000

The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 



SpecialFocus.png The Special Focus is on: Adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Previously, we focused on:

Women at the peace table.




Launch of the NEW Wikigender

A new version of Wikigender will be released soon!


The new platform will offer a more intuitive interface with easy-to-find information. A major development will be the launch of a French Wikigender to accompany the English version. Stay tuned via @Wikigender for more details coming soon!



Call to Action!

On 25 September 2015, during the 70th session of the UN General Assembly, the U.K. Government and UN Women co-hosted the event Transforming Economies: Empowering Women and Girls. Over 200 governments, civil society organizations, business leaders and individuals took a stand and made concrete commitments for women and girls’ economic opportunities within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The Call to Action was endorsed to sustain the momentum for action to ensure measurable results and impact by 2030. Join these 200 leaders from across the world by making your own commitment or that of your organisation:
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New framework for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment for Europe

A new framework for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment was adopted in September for the EU’s activities on gender equality and women’s empowerment in EU’s external relations. The framework, “Transforming the Lives of Girls and Women through EU External Relations (2016-2020)“, aims to support partner countries, especially in developing, enlargement and neighbouring countries, to achieve tangible results towards gender equality which is at the core of European values, as well as the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The 4 pillars of the framework include:

  • Fighting violence of any kind against women and girls
  • Economic and social empowerment
  • Strengthening voice and participation
  • Shifting institutional culture



FAO publications and featured articles

Rural Women in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

This new book from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) uses data to provide a better overview of the gender gap in agriculture and rural areas. The work explores the issues raised in the FAO’s flagship publication, The State of Food and Agriculture 2010-2011: Women in agriculture – Closing the gender gap for development from the perspective of a number of countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia.

The impact of cash transfers on the economic advancement, decision-making and capacity of women

It is often claimed that cash transfer (CT) schemes have an empowering effect on women, but available evidence on empowerment outcomes is far from conclusive, particularly as to whether CTs actually improve women’s bargaining power and decision-making in the household. This policy brief considers the concrete benefits of CT schemes for women, particularly in the context of economic empowerment, economic advancement, decision-making power, self-esteem and social empowerment.

See more publications here!

Featured articles

  • Empowering rural women: a solution to end hunger
  • Community Gardens, Community Gains: Women and men working together in Zimbabwe
Click here to read the articles!



FAO featured video: Gender Equality in Agriculture: A Toolkit (Set of 3 Videos)

These three video animations form the core of a training toolkit on gender and agriculture, developed by experts at FAO’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia. The toolkit highlights the need to consider gender inequalities in agriculture in the region and explains the importance of reliable gender statistics for agricultural and rural development. It also presents 18 indicators that can be used for obtaining a more gender-sensitive picture of the reality faced by women and men involved in agriculture, and for measuring gender-related changes over time.

See more videos!



“Women, Business and the Law: Getting to Equal”


This new World Bank report provides quantitative measures of laws and regulations that affect women’s economic opportunities. This fourth edition covers 173 economies, including 30 economies that were not previously covered. For the first time, it explores laws in areas such as gender discrimination in access to credit, financial support for parents, care leave for sick relatives, child marriage, marital rape and protection orders for victims of domestic violence.

Find out more




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Gender media review

See the media review in the Community Portal which is updated daily! Click here


Upcoming events


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]]> 0 Wikigender Connect: April-June 2015 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000

The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 


SpecialFocus.png The Special Focus is on: Financing gender equality.

Previously, we focused on:

2015 Day of the African Child.

Online Discussion: Mobilising financing for gender equality and women’s rights to deliver on the SDGs in practice

From 22-26 June, Wikigender organised an online discussion to discuss how to mobilise new and ambitious investments to operationalise the ‪SDGs‬ commitments on ‪genderequality‬ and women’s rights. The discussion was led by several lead discussants: Samina Anwar and Zohra Khan (UN Women); Chiara Capraro (Christian Aid); Nerea Craviotto and Angelika Arutyunova (AWID); and Emily Esplen and Keiko Nowacka (OECD). A summary report is currently being drafted and will be shared at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development in Addis Ababa. Stay tuned on @Wikigender to read the report! In the meantime, see the whole discussion thread here.
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First country pilot of the Social Institutions and Gender Index (SIGI) in Uganda

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On 27-28 May, the OECD Development Centre and the Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) presented the results of the SIGI Uganda in Kampala, Uganda. The launch event included a presentation of the methodological framework, survey design and results, as well as the technical construction of the Index and policy implications.

Showcase the women who have been impacted by your organization’s work on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment

The I am (wo)man Campaign of UN Women/Empower Women highlights individual success stories of women who have been empowered. Share your inspiring stories from empowered women within your organization or from women who have benefited from initiatives in the communities where you work. For example, see America Scores, Cherie Blair Foundation for Women, Panama Canal, USAID, and Youth for Technology. For questions and indication of interest, please contact”

FAO publications


Empowering women in Afghanistan

This publication assesses the gender impacts of the Integrated Dairy Schemes (IDS) approach in Afghanistan and results from a field mission to Afghanistan. Findings confirmed that the IDS approach has a sustainable positive impact on rural Afghan women and their families, both in terms of increased income availability and social empowerment.

Globefish Research Programme, Vol. 119: Executive Summary (FAO, 2015)

Women participate in all segments of the seafood industry, including fishing, farming, trading and selling, monitoring and administration. But the widespread lack of consideration for their role and work in the seafood industry is, in many respects, disadvantageous to them and ultimately bars them from participating fully and equitably in the industry. The primary aim of this report is to increase awareness of business leaders and policy makers, to expand their knowledge and sensitization about the value women bring to the seafood industry, and to encourage them to consider each time they develop a new project or a policy: “Have we not overlooked women?

See more publications here!

FAO featured video: Access to Water and Land. Dimitra Clubs in Niger

This six-minute video shows how the FAO Dimitra Clubs in Niger have been crucial to ensure women’s access to land and water, while contributing to nutrition, food security and gender equality, thereby reducing rural poverty. The transformative approach of the Dimitra Clubs induces behavioral changes in various aspects of daily life for individuals, households and communities in rural areas. Dimitra Clubs are groups of rural women and men who voluntarily decide to get organized to discuss their development challenges, find solutions and take collective action to improve their livelihoods and take control of their own lives.

See more videos!

FAO articles

  • Guatemala’s Ministry of Agriculture approves first-ever Policy on Gender Equality
  • Angling for gender equality in the seafood industry
  • New visual guide to protect children from pesticides
  • How a global campaign to eradicate sheep and goat plague can help 400 million rural women
Click here to read the articles!


Access our calendar of events and add your own event!

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Gender media review

See the media review in the Community Portal which is updated daily! Click here



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Wikigender Connect: January 2015 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000

The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 


Girl school web.jpg
SpecialFocus.png The Special Focus is on: Women and girls’ education and training.

Previously, we focused on:

Pushing for gender equality at COP20.

Call for contributors!


The World Bank Group’s Women, Business and the Law project, currently in its fourth publication cycle is seeking legal experts for pro bono participation in legal data collection. Experts are most often lawyers, academics, judges, NGOs and practitioners with expertise in family law, labor law, land law, or legislation concerning violence against women.

If you are interested in learning more and filling out legal surveys for the project, please submit a request online. Contributors are publicly recognized on the Women, Business and the Law website, and in the print report.

The Land Portal: launch of the Open Data platform

On 10 December, the Land Portal launched an innovative and collaborative Open Data platform that combines data about land issues from diverse and credible sources around the world, enabling easy data exploration, manipulation and customisation. The platform aims to become the leading online destination for information, resources, innovations and networking on land. The vision of the Land Portal is to improve land governance for the benefit of those with the most insecure land rights and the greatest vulnerability to landlessness through information and knowledge sharing. Find out more!

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Featured FAO video

Community Garden in Dangarandove, Zimbabwe: Women making a difference

See featured articles and more videos!


2015 call for Global Community Champions for Women’s Economic Empowerment is seeking applications from dynamic and creative women and men from all over the world to champion women’s economic empowerment. Are you passionate about gender equality and women’s economic empowerment? Do you want to apply your skills to make a difference in your own community and beyond? APPLY NOW! #GlobalCommunityChampion #EmpowerWomen #genderequality #EconomicEmpowerment


Coming up: UN Women focuses on the education and training of women

As part of their Beijing+20 Campaign, since June 2014 UN Women focuses each month on one of the 12 “Critical Areas of Concern” identified in the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. In February, the focus will be on “Education and training of women”. Read more

High-Level Seminar on Gender, Law and Public Policy: Trends in the Middle East and North Africa (17-18 November 2014, Amman, Jordan)

This Seminar defined common action within the MENA-OECD Governance programme, including regional policy dialogue, country-based support and strengthening gender mainstreaming as part of governance reforms in the region. Find out more about the event and access the publication on “Women in Public Life: Gender, Law and Policy in the Middle East and North Africa”.

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What happened in January?

Check out the January media review for our latest selected news articles and blogs on gender equality issues. Read more and see the February media review, which is updated daily.


2014 Annual Report

Read the 2014 Wikigender Annual Report! Find out about our main activities and key statistics. Read more!



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Wikigender Connect: January-March 2015 Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 +0000

The Wikigender Team reports on the latest activity from our network! 


OECD Development Centre side events at CSW59

11 March: Achieving Beijing: The Role of Social Norms for Gender Equality: side event at CSW59

This side event was jointly organised by the OECD Development Centre, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADC). The panel and Q&A discussion focused on how integrating social norms into development interventions can accelerate progress towards the transformative agenda of the Beijing Platform and make a real difference to the rights and well-being of women and girls.

17 March: Making women’s voices heard from Beijing to Post-2015 in social media

This side event was organised by the OECD Development Centre, in partnership with UN Women and with the support of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development. The panel and Q&A discussion focused on how social media can empower women to take a larger role in decision-making processes within the post-2015 agenda.

New Gender and Land Rights Database: a hub of information on gender-equitable land tenure

WAH-02 gender and landrights database.jpg

The new and improved Gender and Land Rights Database (GLRD) cconsists of three main sections: country profiles, gender and land-related statistics, and the all-new Legislation Assessment Tool – and also highlights key publications and resources related to gender-equitable land tenure. It will also feature regular online discussions on targeted issues relating to gender and land in different countries and contexts. Find out more!

Featured FAO video: Fish drying method changes lives in Burundi

See more videos!

Featured FAO publication: Women In Agriculture In Pakistan


This report highlights the overall status, challenges and contributions of women in agricultural subsectors across Pakistan, and provides a road map for improvements. Recommendations focus on enhancing the economic impact of women’s work in agriculture; promoting socio-cultural factors such as education, literacy, and nutrition; enhancing the legal status of women and ensuring policy and institutional strategies that will promote income-generating activities for rural women farmers. See more publications here!


UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign: Women and health

Improved health care for women affirms their right to the highest standards of health throughout their lives. In April, UN Women’s Beijing+20 campaign highlights the significance of women’s health on the overall quality of life, and the discrimination that often bars them from receiving preventative care and adequate medical attention. Don’t miss in particular an op-ed from Melinda Gates. Read more

FAO featured article

  • Pêcheurs du Monde: women fish-processors of Burundi in spotlight at film festival in France
  • Ethiopian women cooperative increases incomes thanks to FAO-Eataly partnership
  • Int’l Women’s Day 2015: Women farmers key to fighting hunger
  • Fighting food loss with flowers: hibiscus jams and juices in the Gambia
  • Of ponds and plates – and much more
Click here to read the articles!


Access our calendar of events and add your own event!

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Gender media review

See the media review in the Community Portal which is updated daily! Click here



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